Bidirectional forwarding detection
Bfd is a protocol intended to detect faults in the bidirectional path between two forwarding engines, including interfaces, data link(s), and to the extent possible the forwarding engines themselves, with potentially very low latency. It operates independently of media, data protocols, and routing protocols.
An increasingly important feature of networking equipment is the rapid detection of communication failures between adjacent systems, in order to more quickly establish alternative paths.
The time to detect failures (“detection times”) available in the existing protocols is no better than a second, which is far too long for some applications and represents a great deal of lost data at gigabit rates. Furthermore, routing protocol Hellos are of no help when those routing protocols are not in use, and the semantics of detection are subtly different--they detect a failure in the path between the two routing protocol engines.
The goal of BFD is to provide low-overhead, short-duration detection of failures in the path between adjacent forwarding engines, including the interfaces, data link(s), and to the extent possible the forwarding engines themselves.
An additional goal is to provide a single mechanism that can be used for liveness detection over any media, at any protocol layer, with a wide range of detection times and overhead, to avoid a proliferation of different methods.
It is intended to be implemented in some component of the forwarding engine of a system, in cases where the forwarding and control engines are separated. This not only binds the protocol more to the forwarding plane, but decouples the protocol from the
fate of the routing protocol engine, making it useful in concert with various "graceful restart" mechanisms for those protocols. BFD may also be implemented in the control engine, though doing so may preclude the detection of some kinds of failures.
BFD operates on top of any data protocol being forwarded between two systems. It is always run in a unicast, point-to-point mode. BFD packets are carried as the payload of whatever encapsulating protocol is appropriate for the medium and network. BFD may be running at multiple layers in a system.
Protocol Overview:-
BFD is a simple hello protocol that in many respects is similar to the detection components of well-known routing protocols. A pair of systems transmits BFD packets periodically over each path between the two systems, and if a system stops receiving BFD packets for long enough, some component in that particular bidirectional path to the neighboring system is assumed to have failed.
A path is only declared to be operational when two-way communication has been established between systems, though this does not preclude the use of unidirectional links.
A separate BFD session is created for each communications path and data protocol in use between two systems
Operating Modes
BFD has two operating modes which may be selected, as well as an additional function that can be used in combination with the two modes.
The primary mode is known as Asynchronous mode. In this mode, the systems periodically send BFD Control packets to one another, and if a number of those packets in a row are not received by the other system, the session is declared to be down.
The second mode is known as Demand mode. In this mode, it is assumed that a system has an independent way of verifying that it has connectivity to the other system. Once a BFD session is established, such a system may ask the other system to stop sending BFD Control packets, except when the system feels the need to verify connectivity explicitly, in which case a short sequence of BFD Control packets is exchanged, and then the far system quiesces. Demand mode may operate independently in each direction, or simultaneously.
An adjunct to both modes is the Echo function. When the Echo function is active, a stream of BFD Echo packets is transmitted in such a way as to have the other system loop them back through its forwarding path. If a number of packets of the echoed data stream are not received, the session is declared to be down. The Echo function may be used with either Asynchronous or Demand modes. Since the Echo function is handling the task of detection, the rate of periodic transmission of Control packets may be reduced (in the case of Asynchronous mode) or eliminated completely (in the case of Demand mode.)
Pure asynchronous mode is advantageous in that it requires half as many packets to achieve a particular detection time as does the Echo function. It is also used when the Echo function cannot be supported for some reason.
The Echo function has the advantage of truly testing only the forwarding path on the remote system. This may reduce round-trip jitter and thus allow more aggressive detection times, as well as potentially detecting some classes of failure that might not otherwise be detected.
The Echo function may be enabled individually in each direction. It is enabled in a particular direction only when the system that loops the Echo packets back signals that it will allow it, and when the system that sends the Echo packets decides it wishes to.
Demand mode is useful in situations where the overhead of a periodic protocol might prove onerous, such as a system with a very large number of BFD sessions. It is also useful when the Echo function is being used symmetrically. Demand mode has the disadvantage that detection times are essentially driven by the heuristics of the system implementation and are not known to the BFD protocol. Demand mode may not be used when the path round trip time is greater than the desired detection time.
BFD Control Packet Format:-
Generic BFD Control Packet Format
BFD Control packets are sent in an encapsulation appropriate to the environment.
The BFD Control packet has a Mandatory Section and an optional Authentication Section. The format of the Authentication Section, if present, is dependent on the type of authentication in use.
The Mandatory Section of a BFD Control packet has the following format:

An optional Authentication Section may be present:

Version (Vers)
Denotes the version number of the protocol. Here we define protocol version 1.
Diagnostic (Diag)
A diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason for the last session state change to states Down or AdminDown.
Values are:
0 -- No Diagnostic
1 -- Control Detection Time Expired
2 -- Echo Function Failed
3 -- Neighbor Signaled Session Down
4 -- Forwarding Plane Reset
5 -- Path Down
6 -- Concatenated Path Down
7 -- Administratively Down
8 -- Reverse Concatenated Path Down
9-31 -- Reserved for future use
This field allows remote systems to determine the reason that the previous session failed.
State (Sta)
The current BFD session state as seen by the transmitting system.
Values are:
0 -- AdminDown
1 -- Down
2 -- Init
3 -- Up
Poll (P)
If set, the transmitting system is requesting verification of connectivity, or of a parameter change, and is expecting a packet with the Final (F) bit in reply. If clear, the transmitting system is not requesting verification.
Final (F)
If set, the transmitting system is responding to a received BFD Control packet that had the Poll (P) bit set. If clear, the transmitting system is not responding to a Poll.
Control Plane Independent (C)
If set, the transmitting system's BFD implementation does not share fate with its control plane (in other words, BFD is implemented in the forwarding plane and can continue to function through disruptions in the control plane.) If clear, the transmitting system's BFD implementation shares fate with its control plane.
The use of this bit is application dependent
Authentication Present (A)
If set, the Authentication Section is present and the session is to be authenticated.
Demand (D)
If set, Demand mode is active in the transmitting system (the system wishes to operate in Demand mode, knows that the session is up in both directions, and is directing the remote system to cease the periodic transmission of BFD Control packets.) If clear, Demand mode is not active in the transmitting system.
Multipoint (M)
This bit is reserved for future point-to-multipoint extensions to BFD. It must be zero on both transmit and receipt.
Detect Mult
Detection time multiplier. The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the transmitting system in Asynchronous mode.
Length of the BFD Control packet, in bytes.
My Discriminator
A unique, nonzero discriminator value generated by the transmitting system, used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of systems.
Your Discriminator
The discriminator received from the corresponding remote system. This field reflects back the received value of My Discriminator, or is zero if that value is unknown.
Desired Min TX Interval
This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, that the local system would like to use when transmitting BFD Control packets. The value zero is reserved.
Required Min RX Interval
This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, between received BFD Control packets that this system is capable of supporting. If this value is zero, the transmitting system does not want the remote system to send any periodic BFD Control packets.
Required Min Echo RX Interval
This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, between received BFD Echo packets that this system is capable of supporting. If this value is zero, the transmitting system does not support the receipt of BFD Echo packets.
Auth Type
The authentication type in use, if the Authentication Present (A) bit is set.
0 - Reserved
1 - Simple Password
2 - Keyed MD5
3 - Meticulous Keyed MD5
4 - Keyed SHA1
5 - Meticulous Keyed SHA1
6-255 - Reserved for future use
Auth Len
The length, in bytes, of the authentication section, including the Auth Type and Auth Len fields.
Elements of Procedure:-
A system may take either an Active role or a Passive role in session initialization. A system taking the Active role MUST send BFD Control packets for a particular session, regardless of whether it has received any BFD packets for that session. A system taking the Passive role MUST NOT begin sending BFD packets for a particular session until it has received a BFD packet for that session, and thus has learned the remote system's discriminator value. At least one system MUST take the Active role (possibly both.) The role that a system takes is specific to the application of BFD, and is outside the scope of this specification.
A session begins with the periodic, slow transmission of BFD Control packets. When bidirectional communication is achieved, the BFD session comes Up.
Once the BFD session is Up, a system can choose to start the Echo function if it desires to and the other system signals that it will allow it. The rate of transmission of Control packets is typically kept low when the Echo function is active.
If the Echo function is not active, the transmission rate of Control packets may be increased to a level necessary to achieve the detection time requirements for the session.
Once the session is up, a system may signal that it has entered Demand mode, and the transmission of BFD Control packets by the remote system ceases. Other means of implying connectivity are used to keep the session alive. If either system wishes to verify bidirectional connectivity, it can initiate a short exchange of BFD Control packets to do so.
If Demand mode is not active, and no Control packets are received in the calculated detection time, the session is declared Down. This is signaled to the remote end via the State(Sta) field in outgoing packets.
If sufficient Echo packets are lost, the session is declared down in the same manner.
If Demand mode is active and no appropriate Control packets are received in response to a Poll Sequence, the session is declared down in the same manner.
If the session goes down, the transmission of Echo packets (if any) ceases, and the transmission of Control packets goes back to the slow rate.
Once a session has been declared down, it cannot come back up until the remote end first signals that it is down (by leaving the Up state), thus implementing a three-way handshake.
A session may be kept administratively down by entering the AdminDown state and sending an explanatory diagnostic code in the Diagnostic field.
BFD State Machine:-
The BFD state machine is quite straightforward. There are three states through which a session normally proceeds, two for establishing a session (Init and Up) and one for tearing down a session (Down.) This allows a three-way handshake for both session establishment and session teardown (assuring that both systems are aware of all session state changes.) A fourth state (AdminDown) exists so that a session can be administratively put down indefinitely.
Each system communicates its session state in the State (Sta) field in the BFD Control packet, and that received state in combination with the local session state drives the state machine.
Down state means that the session is down (or has just been created.) A session remains in Down state until the remote system indicates that it agrees that the session is down by sending a BFD Control packet with the State field set to anything other than Up. If that packet signals Down state, the session advances to Init state; if that packet signals Init state, the session advances to Up state. Semantically, Down state indicates that the forwarding path is unavailable, and that appropriate actions should be taken by the applications monitoring the state of the BFD session. A system MAY hold a session in Down state indefinitely (by simply refusing to advance the session state.) This may be done for operational or administrative reasons, among others.
Init state means that the remote system is communicating, and the local system desires to bring the session up, but the remote system does not yet realize it. A session will remain in Init state until either a BFD Control Packet is received that is signaling Init or Up state (in which case the session advances to Up state) or until the detection time expires, meaning that communication with the remote system has been lost (in which case the session advances to Down state.)
Up state means that the BFD session has successfully been established, and implies that connectivity between the systems is working. The session will remain in the Up state until either connectivity fails, or the session is taken down administratively. If either the remote system signals Down state, or the detection time expires, the session advances to Down state.
AdminDown state means that the session is being held administratively down. This causes the remote system to enter Down state, and remain there until the local system exits AdminDown state. AdminDown state has no semantic implications for the availability of the forwarding path.
The following diagram provides an overview of the state machine. Transitions involving AdminDown state are deleted for clarity. The notation on each arc represents the state of the remote system (as received in the State field in the BFD Control packet) or indicates the expiration of the Detection Timer.

Bfd is a protocol intended to detect faults in the bidirectional path between two forwarding engines, including interfaces, data link(s), and to the extent possible the forwarding engines themselves, with potentially very low latency. It operates independently of media, data protocols, and routing protocols.
An increasingly important feature of networking equipment is the rapid detection of communication failures between adjacent systems, in order to more quickly establish alternative paths.
The time to detect failures (“detection times”) available in the existing protocols is no better than a second, which is far too long for some applications and represents a great deal of lost data at gigabit rates. Furthermore, routing protocol Hellos are of no help when those routing protocols are not in use, and the semantics of detection are subtly different--they detect a failure in the path between the two routing protocol engines.
The goal of BFD is to provide low-overhead, short-duration detection of failures in the path between adjacent forwarding engines, including the interfaces, data link(s), and to the extent possible the forwarding engines themselves.
An additional goal is to provide a single mechanism that can be used for liveness detection over any media, at any protocol layer, with a wide range of detection times and overhead, to avoid a proliferation of different methods.
It is intended to be implemented in some component of the forwarding engine of a system, in cases where the forwarding and control engines are separated. This not only binds the protocol more to the forwarding plane, but decouples the protocol from the
fate of the routing protocol engine, making it useful in concert with various "graceful restart" mechanisms for those protocols. BFD may also be implemented in the control engine, though doing so may preclude the detection of some kinds of failures.
BFD operates on top of any data protocol being forwarded between two systems. It is always run in a unicast, point-to-point mode. BFD packets are carried as the payload of whatever encapsulating protocol is appropriate for the medium and network. BFD may be running at multiple layers in a system.
Protocol Overview:-
BFD is a simple hello protocol that in many respects is similar to the detection components of well-known routing protocols. A pair of systems transmits BFD packets periodically over each path between the two systems, and if a system stops receiving BFD packets for long enough, some component in that particular bidirectional path to the neighboring system is assumed to have failed.
A path is only declared to be operational when two-way communication has been established between systems, though this does not preclude the use of unidirectional links.
A separate BFD session is created for each communications path and data protocol in use between two systems
Operating Modes
BFD has two operating modes which may be selected, as well as an additional function that can be used in combination with the two modes.
The primary mode is known as Asynchronous mode. In this mode, the systems periodically send BFD Control packets to one another, and if a number of those packets in a row are not received by the other system, the session is declared to be down.
The second mode is known as Demand mode. In this mode, it is assumed that a system has an independent way of verifying that it has connectivity to the other system. Once a BFD session is established, such a system may ask the other system to stop sending BFD Control packets, except when the system feels the need to verify connectivity explicitly, in which case a short sequence of BFD Control packets is exchanged, and then the far system quiesces. Demand mode may operate independently in each direction, or simultaneously.
An adjunct to both modes is the Echo function. When the Echo function is active, a stream of BFD Echo packets is transmitted in such a way as to have the other system loop them back through its forwarding path. If a number of packets of the echoed data stream are not received, the session is declared to be down. The Echo function may be used with either Asynchronous or Demand modes. Since the Echo function is handling the task of detection, the rate of periodic transmission of Control packets may be reduced (in the case of Asynchronous mode) or eliminated completely (in the case of Demand mode.)
Pure asynchronous mode is advantageous in that it requires half as many packets to achieve a particular detection time as does the Echo function. It is also used when the Echo function cannot be supported for some reason.
The Echo function has the advantage of truly testing only the forwarding path on the remote system. This may reduce round-trip jitter and thus allow more aggressive detection times, as well as potentially detecting some classes of failure that might not otherwise be detected.
The Echo function may be enabled individually in each direction. It is enabled in a particular direction only when the system that loops the Echo packets back signals that it will allow it, and when the system that sends the Echo packets decides it wishes to.
Demand mode is useful in situations where the overhead of a periodic protocol might prove onerous, such as a system with a very large number of BFD sessions. It is also useful when the Echo function is being used symmetrically. Demand mode has the disadvantage that detection times are essentially driven by the heuristics of the system implementation and are not known to the BFD protocol. Demand mode may not be used when the path round trip time is greater than the desired detection time.
BFD Control Packet Format:-
Generic BFD Control Packet Format
BFD Control packets are sent in an encapsulation appropriate to the environment.
The BFD Control packet has a Mandatory Section and an optional Authentication Section. The format of the Authentication Section, if present, is dependent on the type of authentication in use.
The Mandatory Section of a BFD Control packet has the following format:

An optional Authentication Section may be present:

Version (Vers)
Denotes the version number of the protocol. Here we define protocol version 1.
Diagnostic (Diag)
A diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason for the last session state change to states Down or AdminDown.
Values are:
0 -- No Diagnostic
1 -- Control Detection Time Expired
2 -- Echo Function Failed
3 -- Neighbor Signaled Session Down
4 -- Forwarding Plane Reset
5 -- Path Down
6 -- Concatenated Path Down
7 -- Administratively Down
8 -- Reverse Concatenated Path Down
9-31 -- Reserved for future use
This field allows remote systems to determine the reason that the previous session failed.
State (Sta)
The current BFD session state as seen by the transmitting system.
Values are:
0 -- AdminDown
1 -- Down
2 -- Init
3 -- Up
Poll (P)
If set, the transmitting system is requesting verification of connectivity, or of a parameter change, and is expecting a packet with the Final (F) bit in reply. If clear, the transmitting system is not requesting verification.
Final (F)
If set, the transmitting system is responding to a received BFD Control packet that had the Poll (P) bit set. If clear, the transmitting system is not responding to a Poll.
Control Plane Independent (C)
If set, the transmitting system's BFD implementation does not share fate with its control plane (in other words, BFD is implemented in the forwarding plane and can continue to function through disruptions in the control plane.) If clear, the transmitting system's BFD implementation shares fate with its control plane.
The use of this bit is application dependent
Authentication Present (A)
If set, the Authentication Section is present and the session is to be authenticated.
Demand (D)
If set, Demand mode is active in the transmitting system (the system wishes to operate in Demand mode, knows that the session is up in both directions, and is directing the remote system to cease the periodic transmission of BFD Control packets.) If clear, Demand mode is not active in the transmitting system.
Multipoint (M)
This bit is reserved for future point-to-multipoint extensions to BFD. It must be zero on both transmit and receipt.
Detect Mult
Detection time multiplier. The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the transmitting system in Asynchronous mode.
Length of the BFD Control packet, in bytes.
My Discriminator
A unique, nonzero discriminator value generated by the transmitting system, used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of systems.
Your Discriminator
The discriminator received from the corresponding remote system. This field reflects back the received value of My Discriminator, or is zero if that value is unknown.
Desired Min TX Interval
This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, that the local system would like to use when transmitting BFD Control packets. The value zero is reserved.
Required Min RX Interval
This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, between received BFD Control packets that this system is capable of supporting. If this value is zero, the transmitting system does not want the remote system to send any periodic BFD Control packets.
Required Min Echo RX Interval
This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, between received BFD Echo packets that this system is capable of supporting. If this value is zero, the transmitting system does not support the receipt of BFD Echo packets.
Auth Type
The authentication type in use, if the Authentication Present (A) bit is set.
0 - Reserved
1 - Simple Password
2 - Keyed MD5
3 - Meticulous Keyed MD5
4 - Keyed SHA1
5 - Meticulous Keyed SHA1
6-255 - Reserved for future use
Auth Len
The length, in bytes, of the authentication section, including the Auth Type and Auth Len fields.
Elements of Procedure:-
A system may take either an Active role or a Passive role in session initialization. A system taking the Active role MUST send BFD Control packets for a particular session, regardless of whether it has received any BFD packets for that session. A system taking the Passive role MUST NOT begin sending BFD packets for a particular session until it has received a BFD packet for that session, and thus has learned the remote system's discriminator value. At least one system MUST take the Active role (possibly both.) The role that a system takes is specific to the application of BFD, and is outside the scope of this specification.
A session begins with the periodic, slow transmission of BFD Control packets. When bidirectional communication is achieved, the BFD session comes Up.
Once the BFD session is Up, a system can choose to start the Echo function if it desires to and the other system signals that it will allow it. The rate of transmission of Control packets is typically kept low when the Echo function is active.
If the Echo function is not active, the transmission rate of Control packets may be increased to a level necessary to achieve the detection time requirements for the session.
Once the session is up, a system may signal that it has entered Demand mode, and the transmission of BFD Control packets by the remote system ceases. Other means of implying connectivity are used to keep the session alive. If either system wishes to verify bidirectional connectivity, it can initiate a short exchange of BFD Control packets to do so.
If Demand mode is not active, and no Control packets are received in the calculated detection time, the session is declared Down. This is signaled to the remote end via the State(Sta) field in outgoing packets.
If sufficient Echo packets are lost, the session is declared down in the same manner.
If Demand mode is active and no appropriate Control packets are received in response to a Poll Sequence, the session is declared down in the same manner.
If the session goes down, the transmission of Echo packets (if any) ceases, and the transmission of Control packets goes back to the slow rate.
Once a session has been declared down, it cannot come back up until the remote end first signals that it is down (by leaving the Up state), thus implementing a three-way handshake.
A session may be kept administratively down by entering the AdminDown state and sending an explanatory diagnostic code in the Diagnostic field.
BFD State Machine:-
The BFD state machine is quite straightforward. There are three states through which a session normally proceeds, two for establishing a session (Init and Up) and one for tearing down a session (Down.) This allows a three-way handshake for both session establishment and session teardown (assuring that both systems are aware of all session state changes.) A fourth state (AdminDown) exists so that a session can be administratively put down indefinitely.
Each system communicates its session state in the State (Sta) field in the BFD Control packet, and that received state in combination with the local session state drives the state machine.
Down state means that the session is down (or has just been created.) A session remains in Down state until the remote system indicates that it agrees that the session is down by sending a BFD Control packet with the State field set to anything other than Up. If that packet signals Down state, the session advances to Init state; if that packet signals Init state, the session advances to Up state. Semantically, Down state indicates that the forwarding path is unavailable, and that appropriate actions should be taken by the applications monitoring the state of the BFD session. A system MAY hold a session in Down state indefinitely (by simply refusing to advance the session state.) This may be done for operational or administrative reasons, among others.
Init state means that the remote system is communicating, and the local system desires to bring the session up, but the remote system does not yet realize it. A session will remain in Init state until either a BFD Control Packet is received that is signaling Init or Up state (in which case the session advances to Up state) or until the detection time expires, meaning that communication with the remote system has been lost (in which case the session advances to Down state.)
Up state means that the BFD session has successfully been established, and implies that connectivity between the systems is working. The session will remain in the Up state until either connectivity fails, or the session is taken down administratively. If either the remote system signals Down state, or the detection time expires, the session advances to Down state.
AdminDown state means that the session is being held administratively down. This causes the remote system to enter Down state, and remain there until the local system exits AdminDown state. AdminDown state has no semantic implications for the availability of the forwarding path.
The following diagram provides an overview of the state machine. Transitions involving AdminDown state are deleted for clarity. The notation on each arc represents the state of the remote system (as received in the State field in the BFD Control packet) or indicates the expiration of the Detection Timer.

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