Wednesday, January 16, 2008

BFD Notes

Bidirectional forwarding detection


Bfd is a protocol intended to detect faults in the bidirectional path between two forwarding engines, including interfaces, data link(s), and to the extent possible the forwarding engines themselves, with potentially very low latency. It operates independently of media, data protocols, and routing protocols.

An increasingly important feature of networking equipment is the rapid detection of communication failures between adjacent systems, in order to more quickly establish alternative paths.

The time to detect failures (“detection times”) available in the existing protocols is no better than a second, which is far too long for some applications and represents a great deal of lost data at gigabit rates. Furthermore, routing protocol Hellos are of no help when those routing protocols are not in use, and the semantics of detection are subtly different--they detect a failure in the path between the two routing protocol engines.

The goal of BFD is to provide low-overhead, short-duration detection of failures in the path between adjacent forwarding engines, including the interfaces, data link(s), and to the extent possible the forwarding engines themselves.

An additional goal is to provide a single mechanism that can be used for liveness detection over any media, at any protocol layer, with a wide range of detection times and overhead, to avoid a proliferation of different methods.

It is intended to be implemented in some component of the forwarding engine of a system, in cases where the forwarding and control engines are separated. This not only binds the protocol more to the forwarding plane, but decouples the protocol from the
fate of the routing protocol engine, making it useful in concert with various "graceful restart" mechanisms for those protocols. BFD may also be implemented in the control engine, though doing so may preclude the detection of some kinds of failures.

BFD operates on top of any data protocol being forwarded between two systems. It is always run in a unicast, point-to-point mode. BFD packets are carried as the payload of whatever encapsulating protocol is appropriate for the medium and network. BFD may be running at multiple layers in a system.

Protocol Overview:-

BFD is a simple hello protocol that in many respects is similar to the detection components of well-known routing protocols. A pair of systems transmits BFD packets periodically over each path between the two systems, and if a system stops receiving BFD packets for long enough, some component in that particular bidirectional path to the neighboring system is assumed to have failed.

A path is only declared to be operational when two-way communication has been established between systems, though this does not preclude the use of unidirectional links.

A separate BFD session is created for each communications path and data protocol in use between two systems

Operating Modes

BFD has two operating modes which may be selected, as well as an additional function that can be used in combination with the two modes.

The primary mode is known as Asynchronous mode. In this mode, the systems periodically send BFD Control packets to one another, and if a number of those packets in a row are not received by the other system, the session is declared to be down.

The second mode is known as Demand mode. In this mode, it is assumed that a system has an independent way of verifying that it has connectivity to the other system. Once a BFD session is established, such a system may ask the other system to stop sending BFD Control packets, except when the system feels the need to verify connectivity explicitly, in which case a short sequence of BFD Control packets is exchanged, and then the far system quiesces. Demand mode may operate independently in each direction, or simultaneously.

An adjunct to both modes is the Echo function. When the Echo function is active, a stream of BFD Echo packets is transmitted in such a way as to have the other system loop them back through its forwarding path. If a number of packets of the echoed data stream are not received, the session is declared to be down. The Echo function may be used with either Asynchronous or Demand modes. Since the Echo function is handling the task of detection, the rate of periodic transmission of Control packets may be reduced (in the case of Asynchronous mode) or eliminated completely (in the case of Demand mode.)

Pure asynchronous mode is advantageous in that it requires half as many packets to achieve a particular detection time as does the Echo function. It is also used when the Echo function cannot be supported for some reason.

The Echo function has the advantage of truly testing only the forwarding path on the remote system. This may reduce round-trip jitter and thus allow more aggressive detection times, as well as potentially detecting some classes of failure that might not otherwise be detected.

The Echo function may be enabled individually in each direction. It is enabled in a particular direction only when the system that loops the Echo packets back signals that it will allow it, and when the system that sends the Echo packets decides it wishes to.

Demand mode is useful in situations where the overhead of a periodic protocol might prove onerous, such as a system with a very large number of BFD sessions. It is also useful when the Echo function is being used symmetrically. Demand mode has the disadvantage that detection times are essentially driven by the heuristics of the system implementation and are not known to the BFD protocol. Demand mode may not be used when the path round trip time is greater than the desired detection time.

BFD Control Packet Format:-

Generic BFD Control Packet Format

BFD Control packets are sent in an encapsulation appropriate to the environment.

The BFD Control packet has a Mandatory Section and an optional Authentication Section. The format of the Authentication Section, if present, is dependent on the type of authentication in use.

The Mandatory Section of a BFD Control packet has the following format:

An optional Authentication Section may be present:

Version (Vers)

Denotes the version number of the protocol. Here we define protocol version 1.

Diagnostic (Diag)

A diagnostic code specifying the local system's reason for the last session state change to states Down or AdminDown.
Values are:

0 -- No Diagnostic
1 -- Control Detection Time Expired
2 -- Echo Function Failed
3 -- Neighbor Signaled Session Down
4 -- Forwarding Plane Reset
5 -- Path Down
6 -- Concatenated Path Down
7 -- Administratively Down
8 -- Reverse Concatenated Path Down
9-31 -- Reserved for future use

This field allows remote systems to determine the reason that the previous session failed.

State (Sta)

The current BFD session state as seen by the transmitting system.
Values are:

0 -- AdminDown
1 -- Down
2 -- Init
3 -- Up

Poll (P)

If set, the transmitting system is requesting verification of connectivity, or of a parameter change, and is expecting a packet with the Final (F) bit in reply. If clear, the transmitting system is not requesting verification.

Final (F)

If set, the transmitting system is responding to a received BFD Control packet that had the Poll (P) bit set. If clear, the transmitting system is not responding to a Poll.

Control Plane Independent (C)

If set, the transmitting system's BFD implementation does not share fate with its control plane (in other words, BFD is implemented in the forwarding plane and can continue to function through disruptions in the control plane.) If clear, the transmitting system's BFD implementation shares fate with its control plane.

The use of this bit is application dependent

Authentication Present (A)

If set, the Authentication Section is present and the session is to be authenticated.

Demand (D)

If set, Demand mode is active in the transmitting system (the system wishes to operate in Demand mode, knows that the session is up in both directions, and is directing the remote system to cease the periodic transmission of BFD Control packets.) If clear, Demand mode is not active in the transmitting system.

Multipoint (M)

This bit is reserved for future point-to-multipoint extensions to BFD. It must be zero on both transmit and receipt.

Detect Mult

Detection time multiplier. The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the transmitting system in Asynchronous mode.


Length of the BFD Control packet, in bytes.

My Discriminator

A unique, nonzero discriminator value generated by the transmitting system, used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of systems.

Your Discriminator

The discriminator received from the corresponding remote system. This field reflects back the received value of My Discriminator, or is zero if that value is unknown.

Desired Min TX Interval

This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, that the local system would like to use when transmitting BFD Control packets. The value zero is reserved.

Required Min RX Interval

This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, between received BFD Control packets that this system is capable of supporting. If this value is zero, the transmitting system does not want the remote system to send any periodic BFD Control packets.

Required Min Echo RX Interval

This is the minimum interval, in microseconds, between received BFD Echo packets that this system is capable of supporting. If this value is zero, the transmitting system does not support the receipt of BFD Echo packets.

Auth Type

The authentication type in use, if the Authentication Present (A) bit is set.

0 - Reserved
1 - Simple Password
2 - Keyed MD5
3 - Meticulous Keyed MD5
4 - Keyed SHA1
5 - Meticulous Keyed SHA1
6-255 - Reserved for future use

Auth Len

The length, in bytes, of the authentication section, including the Auth Type and Auth Len fields.

Elements of Procedure:-

A system may take either an Active role or a Passive role in session initialization. A system taking the Active role MUST send BFD Control packets for a particular session, regardless of whether it has received any BFD packets for that session. A system taking the Passive role MUST NOT begin sending BFD packets for a particular session until it has received a BFD packet for that session, and thus has learned the remote system's discriminator value. At least one system MUST take the Active role (possibly both.) The role that a system takes is specific to the application of BFD, and is outside the scope of this specification.

A session begins with the periodic, slow transmission of BFD Control packets. When bidirectional communication is achieved, the BFD session comes Up.

Once the BFD session is Up, a system can choose to start the Echo function if it desires to and the other system signals that it will allow it. The rate of transmission of Control packets is typically kept low when the Echo function is active.

If the Echo function is not active, the transmission rate of Control packets may be increased to a level necessary to achieve the detection time requirements for the session.

Once the session is up, a system may signal that it has entered Demand mode, and the transmission of BFD Control packets by the remote system ceases. Other means of implying connectivity are used to keep the session alive. If either system wishes to verify bidirectional connectivity, it can initiate a short exchange of BFD Control packets to do so.

If Demand mode is not active, and no Control packets are received in the calculated detection time, the session is declared Down. This is signaled to the remote end via the State(Sta) field in outgoing packets.

If sufficient Echo packets are lost, the session is declared down in the same manner.

If Demand mode is active and no appropriate Control packets are received in response to a Poll Sequence, the session is declared down in the same manner.

If the session goes down, the transmission of Echo packets (if any) ceases, and the transmission of Control packets goes back to the slow rate.

Once a session has been declared down, it cannot come back up until the remote end first signals that it is down (by leaving the Up state), thus implementing a three-way handshake.

A session may be kept administratively down by entering the AdminDown state and sending an explanatory diagnostic code in the Diagnostic field.

BFD State Machine:-

The BFD state machine is quite straightforward. There are three states through which a session normally proceeds, two for establishing a session (Init and Up) and one for tearing down a session (Down.) This allows a three-way handshake for both session establishment and session teardown (assuring that both systems are aware of all session state changes.) A fourth state (AdminDown) exists so that a session can be administratively put down indefinitely.

Each system communicates its session state in the State (Sta) field in the BFD Control packet, and that received state in combination with the local session state drives the state machine.

Down state means that the session is down (or has just been created.) A session remains in Down state until the remote system indicates that it agrees that the session is down by sending a BFD Control packet with the State field set to anything other than Up. If that packet signals Down state, the session advances to Init state; if that packet signals Init state, the session advances to Up state. Semantically, Down state indicates that the forwarding path is unavailable, and that appropriate actions should be taken by the applications monitoring the state of the BFD session. A system MAY hold a session in Down state indefinitely (by simply refusing to advance the session state.) This may be done for operational or administrative reasons, among others.

Init state means that the remote system is communicating, and the local system desires to bring the session up, but the remote system does not yet realize it. A session will remain in Init state until either a BFD Control Packet is received that is signaling Init or Up state (in which case the session advances to Up state) or until the detection time expires, meaning that communication with the remote system has been lost (in which case the session advances to Down state.)

Up state means that the BFD session has successfully been established, and implies that connectivity between the systems is working. The session will remain in the Up state until either connectivity fails, or the session is taken down administratively. If either the remote system signals Down state, or the detection time expires, the session advances to Down state.

AdminDown state means that the session is being held administratively down. This causes the remote system to enter Down state, and remain there until the local system exits AdminDown state. AdminDown state has no semantic implications for the availability of the forwarding path.

The following diagram provides an overview of the state machine. Transitions involving AdminDown state are deleted for clarity. The notation on each arc represents the state of the remote system (as received in the State field in the BFD Control packet) or indicates the expiration of the Detection Timer.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

BGP4 Case Studies/Tutorial Section 4


CIDR and Aggregate Addresses

One of the main enhancements of BGP4 over BGP3 is CIDR (Classless Interdomain Routing). CIDR or supernetting is a new way of looking at IP addresses. There is no notion of classes anymore (class A, B or C). For example, network which used to be an illegal class C network is now a legal supernet represented by where the 16 is the number of bits in the subnet mask counting from the far left of the IP address. This is similar to

Aggregates are used to minimize the size of routing tables. Aggregation is the process of combining the characteristics of several different routes in such a way that a single route can be advertised. In the example below, RTB is generating network We will configure RTC to propagate a supernet of that route to RTA.

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100

RTC will propagate the aggregate address to RTA.



Aggregate Commands
There is a wide range of aggregate commands. It is important to understand how each one works in order to have the desired aggregation behavior.

The first command is the one used in the previous example:

aggregate-address address mask

This will advertise the prefix route, and all of the more specific routes. The command aggregate-address will propagate an additional network but will not prevent from being also propagated to RTA. The outcome of this is that both networks and have been propagated to RTA. This is what we mean by advertising the prefix and the more specific route.

Please note that you can not aggregate an address if you do not have a more specific route of that address in the BGP routing table.

For example, RTB can not generate an aggregate for if it does not have a more specific entry of in its BGP table. The more specific route could have been injected into the BGP table via incoming updates from other ASs, from redistributing an IGP or static into BGP or via the network command (network

In case we would like RTC to propagate network only and NOT the more specific route then we would have to use the following:

aggregate-address address mask summary-only

This will a advertise the prefix only; all the more specific routes are suppressed.

The command aggregate summary-only will propagate network and will suppress the more specific route

Please note that if we are aggregating a network that is injected into our BGP via the network statement (ex: network on RTB) then the network entry is always injected into BGP updates even though we are using "the aggregate summary-only" command. The upcoming CIDR example discusses this situation.

aggregate-address address mask as-set

This advertises the prefix and the more specific routes but it includes as-set information in the path information of the routing updates.

ex: aggregate as-set.

This will be discussed in an example by itself in the following sections.

In case we would like to suppress more specific routes when doing the aggregation we can define a route map and apply it to the aggregates. This will allow us to be selective about which more specific routes to suppress.

aggregate-address address-mask suppress-map map-name

This advertises the prefix and the more specific routes but it suppresses advertisement according to a route-map. In the previous diagram, if we would like to aggregate and suppress the more specific route and allow to be propagated, we can use the following route map:

route-map CHECK permit 10
match ip address 1

access-list 1 deny
access-list 1 permit

Then we apply the route-map to the aggregate statement.

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
aggregate-address suppress-map CHECK

Another variation is the:

aggregate-address address mask attribute-map map-name

This allows us to set the attributes (metric, etc.) when aggregates are sent out. The following route map when applied to the aggregate attribute-map command will set the origin of the aggregates to IGP.

route-map SETMETRIC
set origin igp

aggregate-address attribute-map SETORIGIN



CIDR example 1

Request: Allow RTB to advertise the prefix and suppress all the more specific routes. The problem here is that network is local to AS200 i.e. AS200 is the originator of You cannot have RTB generate a prefix for without generating an entry for even if you use the "aggregate summary-only" command because RTB is the originator of

Solution 1:

The first solution is to use a static route and redistribute it into BGP. The outcome is that RTB will advertise the aggregate with an origin of incomplete (?).

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
redistribute static (This will generate an update for with the origin path as *incomplete*)

ip route null0

Solution 2:

In addition to the static route we add an entry for the network command, this will have the same effect except that the origin of the update will be set to IGP.

router bgp 200
network mask (this will mark the update with origin IGP)
neighbor remote-as 300
redistribute static

ip route null0



CIDR example 2 (as-set)
AS-SETS are used in aggregation to reduce the size of the path information by listing the AS number only once, regardless of how many times it may have appeared in multiple paths that were aggregated. The as-set aggregate command is used in situations were aggregation of information causes loss of information regarding the path attribute. In the following example RTC is getting updates about from RTA and updates about from RTB. Suppose RTC wants to aggregate network and send it to RTD. RTD would not know what the origin of that route is. By adding the aggregate as-set statement we force RTC to generate path information in the form of a set {}. All the path information is included in that set irrespective of which path came first.

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300

Case 1:

RTC does not have an as-set statement. RTC will send an update to RTD with path information (300) as if the route has originated from AS300.

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 400
aggregate summary-only
(this causes RTC to send RTD updates about with no indication that is actually coming from two different autonomous systems, this may create loops if RT4 has an entry back into AS100.

Case 2:

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 400
aggregate summary-only
aggregate as-set
(causes RTC to send RTD updates about with an indication that belongs to a set {100 200})



The next two subjects, "confederation" and "route reflectors" are designed for ISPs who would like to further control the explosion of IBGP peering inside their autonomous systems.

BGP Confederation
BGP confederation is implemented in order to reduce the IBGP mesh inside an AS. The trick is to divide an AS into multiple ASs and assign the whole group to a single confederation. Each AS by itself will have IBGP fully meshed and has connections to other AS's inside the confederation. Even though these ASs will have EBGP peers to ASs within the confederation, they exchange routing as if they were using IBGP; next hop, metric and local preference information are preserved. To the outside world, the confederation (the group of ASs) will look like a single AS.

To configure a BGP confederation use the following:

bgp confederation identifier autonomous-system

The confederation identifier will be the AS number of the confederation group. The group of ASs will look to the outside world as one AS with the AS number being the confederation identifier.

Peering within the confederation between multiple ASs is done via the following command:

bgp confederation peers autonomous-system [autonomous-system.]

The following is an example of confederation:


Let us assume that you have an autonomous system 500 consisting of nine BGP speakers (other non BGP speakers exist also, but we are only interested in the BGP speakers that have EBGP connections to other ASs). If you want to make a full IBGP mesh inside AS500 then you would need nine peer connections for each router, 8 IBGP peers and one EBGP peer to external ASs.

By using confederation we can divide AS500 into multiple ASs: AS50, AS60 and AS70. We give the AS a confederation identifier of 500. The outside world will see only one AS500. For each AS50, AS60 and AS70 we define a full mesh of IBGP peers and we define the list of confederation peers using the bgp confederation peers command.

I will show a sample configuration of routers RTC, RTD and RTA. Note that RTA has no knowledge of ASs 50, 60 or 70. RTA has only knowledge of AS500.

router bgp 50
bgp confederation identifier 500
bgp confederation peers 60 70
neighbor remote-as 50 (IBGP connection within AS50)
neighbor remote-as 50 (IBGP connection within AS50)
neighbor remote-as 60 (BGP connection with confederation peer 60)
neighbor remote-as 70 (BGP connection with confederation peer 70)
neighbor remote-as 100 (EBGP connection to external AS100)

router bgp 60
bgp confederation identifier 500
bgp confederation peers 50 70
neighbor remote-as 60 (IBGP connection within AS60)
neighbor remote-as 50(BGP connection with confederation peer 50)
neighbor remote-as 70 (BGP connection with confederation peer 70)
neighbor remote-as 600 (EBGP connection to external AS600)

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 500 (EBGP connection to confederation 500)



Route Reflectors
Another solution for the explosion of IBGP peering within an autonomous system is Route Reflectors (RR). As demonstrated in the "Internal BGP" section, a BGP speaker will not advertise a route learned via another IBGP speaker to a third IBGP speaker. By relaxing this restriction a bit and by providing additional control, we can allow a router to advertise (reflect) IBGP learned routes to other IBGP speakers. This will reduce the number of IBGP peers within an AS.


In normal cases, a full IBGP mesh should be maintained between RTA, RTB and RTC within AS100. By utilizing the route reflector concept, RTC could be elected as a RR and have a partial IBGP peering with RTA and RTB. Peering between RTA and RTB is not needed because RTC will be a route reflector for the updates coming from RTA and RTB.

neighbor route-reflector-client

The router with the above command would be the RR and the neighbors pointed at would be the clients of that RR. In our example, RTC would be configured with the "neighbor route-reflector-client" command pointing at RTA and RTB's IP addresses. The combination of the RR and its clients is called a cluster. RTA, RTB and RTC above would form a cluster with a single RR within AS100.

Other IBGP peers of the RR that are not clients are called non-clients.


An autonomous system can have more than one route reflector; a RR would treat other RRs just like any other IBGP speaker. Other RRs could belong to the same cluster (client group) or to other clusters. In a simple configuration, the AS could be divided into multiple clusters, each RR will be configured with other RRs as non-client peers in a fully meshed topology. Clients should not peer with IBGP speakers outside their cluster.

Consider the above diagram. RTA, RTB and RTC form a single cluster with RTC being the RR. According to RTC, RTA and RTB are clients and anything else is a non-client. Remember that clients of an RR are pointed at using the "neighbor route-reflector-client" command. The same RTD is the RR for its clients RTE and RTF; RTG is a RR in a third cluster. Note that RTD, RTC and RTG are fully meshed but routers within a cluster are not. When a route is received by a RR, it will do the following depending on the peer type:

1- Route from a non-client peer: reflect to all the clients within the cluster.
2- Route from a client peer: reflect to all the non-client peers and also to the client peers.
3- Route from an EBGP peer: send the update to all client and non-client peers.

The following is the relative BGP configuration of routers RTC, RTD and RTB:


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 200


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 300


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100

As the IBGP learned routes are reflected, it is possible to have the routing information loop. The Route-Reflector scheme has a few methods to avoid this:

1- Originator-id: this is an optional, non transitive BGP attribute that is four bytes long and is created by a RR. This attribute will carry the router-id (RID) of the originator of the route in the local AS. Thus, due to poor configuration, if the routing information comes back to the originator, it will be ignored.

2- Cluster-list: this will be discussed in the next section.



Multiple RRs within a cluster

Usually, a cluster of clients will have a single RR. In this case, the cluster will be identified by the router-id of the RR. In order to increase redundancy and avoid single points of failure, a cluster might have more than one RR. All RRs in the same cluster need to be configured with a 4 byte cluster-id so that a RR can recognize updates from RRs in the same cluster.

A cluster-list is a sequence of cluster-ids that the route has passed. When a RR reflects a route from its clients to non-clients outside of the cluster, it will append the local cluster-id to the cluster-list. If this update has an empty cluster-list the RR will create one. Using this attribute, a RR can identify if the routing information is looped back to the same cluster due to poor configuration. If the local cluster-id is found in the cluster-list, the advertisement will be ignored.

In the above diagram, RTD, RTE, RTF and RTH belong to one cluster with both RTD and RTH being RRs for the same cluster. Note the redundancy in that RTH has a fully meshed peering with all the RRs. In case RTD goes down, RTH will take its place. The following are the configuration of RTH, RTD, RTF and RTC:


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 300
bgp route-reflector 10 (This is the cluster-id)


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 400
bgp route-reflector 10 (This is the cluster-id)


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 500


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 200

Note that we did not need the cluster command for RTC because only one RR exists in that cluster.

An important thing to note, is that peer-groups were not used in the above configuration. If the clients inside a cluster do not have direct IBGP peers among one another and they exchange updates through the RR, peer-goups should not be used. If peer groups were to be configured, then a potential withdrawal to the source of a route on the RR would be sent to all clients inside the cluster and could cause problems.

The router sub-command bgp client-to-client reflection is enabled by default on the RR. If BGP client-to-client reflection were turned off on the RR and redundant BGP peering was made between the clients, then using peer groups would be alright.



RR and conventional BGP speakers
It is normal in an AS to have BGP speakers that do not understand the concept of route reflectors. We will call these routers conventional BGP speakers. The route reflector scheme will allow such conventional BGP speakers to coexist. These routers could be either members of a client group or a non-client group. This would allow easy and gradual migration from the current IBGP model to the route reflector model. One could start creating clusters by configuring a single router as RR and making other RRs and their clients normal IBGP peers. Then more clusters could be created gradually.


In the above diagram, RTD, RTE and RTF have the concept of route reflection. RTC, RTA and RTB are what we call conventional routers and cannot be configured as RRs. Normal IBGP mesh could be done between these routers and RTD. Later on, when we are ready to upgrade, RTC could be made a RR with clients RTA and RTB. Clients do not have to understand the route reflection scheme; it is only the RRs that would have to be upgraded.

The following is the configuration of RTD and RTC:


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-reflector-client
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 300


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 400

When we are ready to upgrade RTC and make it a RR, we would remove the IBGP full mesh and have RTA and RTB become clients of RTC.



Avoiding looping of routing information
We have mentioned so far two attributes that are used to prevent potential information looping: the originator-id and the cluster-list.

Another means of controlling loops is to put more restrictions on the set clause of out-bound route-maps.

The set clause for out-bound route-maps does not affect routes reflected to IBGP peers.

More restrictions are also put on the nexthop-self which is a per neighbor configuration option. When used on RRs the nexthop-self will only affect the nexthop of EBGP learned routes because the nexthop of reflected routes should not be changed.



Route Flap Dampening
Route dampening (introduced in Cisco IOS version 11.0) is a mechanism to minimize the instability caused by route flapping and oscillation over the network. To accomplish this, criteria are defined to identify poorly behaved routes. A route which is flapping gets a penalty for each flap (1000). As soon as the cumulative penalty reaches a predefined "suppress-limit", the advertisement of the route will be suppressed. The penalty will be exponentially decayed based on a preconfigured "half-time". Once the penalty decreases below a predefined "reuse-limit", the route advertisement will be un-suppressed.

Routes, external to an AS, learned via IBGP will not be dampened. This is to avoid the IBGP peers having higher penalty for routes external to the AS.

The penalty will be decayed at a granularity of 5 seconds and the routes will be un-suppressed at a granularity of 10 seconds. The dampening information is kept until the penalty becomes less than half of "reuse-limit" , at that point the information is purged from the router.

Initially, dampening will be off by default. This might change if there is a need to have this feature enabled by default. The following are the commands used to control route dampening:

bgp dampening (will turn on dampening).
no bgp dampening (will turn off dampening).
bgp dampening (will change the half-life-time).

A command that sets all parameters at the same time is:

bgp dampening

(range is 1-45 min, current default is 15 min).
(range is 1-20000, default is 750).
(range is 1-20000, default is 2000).
(maximum duration a route can be suppressed, range is 1-255, default is 4 times half-life-time).


hostname RTB

interface Serial0
ip address

interface Serial1
ip address

router bgp 100
bgp dampening
neighbor remote-as 300

hostname RTD

interface Loopback0
ip address

interface Serial0/0
ip address

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100

RTB is configured for route dampening with default parameters. Assuming the EBGP link to RTD is stable, RTB's BGP table would look like this:

RTB#sh ip bgp
BGP table version is 24, local router ID is Status codes: s
suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal Origin
codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 0 0 300 i
*> 0 32768 i

In order to simulate a route flap, I will do a "clear ip bgp" on RTD. RTB's BGP table will look like this:

RTB#sh ip bgp
BGP table version is 24, local router ID is Status codes: s
suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal Origin
codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
h 0 0 300 i
*> 0 32768 i

The BGP entry for has been put in a "history" state. Which means that we do not have a best path to the route but information about the route flapping still exists.

RTB#sh ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 25
Paths: (1 available, no best path)
300 (history entry) from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, external
Dampinfo: penalty 910, flapped 1 times in 0:02:03

The route has been given a penalty for flapping but the penalty is still below the "suppress limit" (default is 2000). The route is not yet suppressed. If the route flaps few more times we will see the following:

RTB#sh ip bgp
BGP table version is 32, local router ID is Status codes:
s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal Origin codes:
i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*d 0 0 300 i
*> 0 32768 i

RTB#sh ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 32
Paths: (1 available, no best path)
300, (suppressed due to dampening) from (
Origin IGP, metric 0, valid, external
Dampinfo: penalty 2615, flapped 3 times in 0:05:18 , reuse in 0:27:00

The route has been dampened (suppressed). The route will be reused when the penalty reaches the "reuse value", in our case 750 (default).The dampening information will be purged when the penalty becomes less than half of the reuse-limit, in our case (750/2=375). The Following are the commands used to show and clear flap statistics information:

show ip bgp flap-statistics
(displays flap statistics for all the paths)

show ip bgp-flap-statistics regexp
(displays flap statistics for all paths that match the regexp)

show ip bgp flap-statistics filter-list
(displays flap statistics for all paths that pass the filter)

show ip bgp flap-statistics A.B.C.D m.m.m.m
(displays flap statistics for a single entry)

show ip bgp flap-statistics A.B.C.D m.m.m.m longer-prefixes
(displays flap statistics for more specific entries)

show ip bgp neighbor [dampened-routes] [flap-statistics]
(displays flap statistics for all paths from a neighbor)

clear ip bgp flap-statistics
(clears flap statistics for all routes)

clear ip bgp flap-statistics regexp
(clears flap statistics for all the paths that match the regexp)

clear ip bgp flap-statistics filter-list (clears flap statistics for all the paths that pass the filter)

clear ip bgp flap-statistics A.B.C.D m.m.m.m
(clears flap statistics for a single entry)

clear ip bgp A.B.C.D flap-statistics (clears flap statistics for all paths from a neighbor)



How BGP selects a Path
Now that we are familiar with the BGP attributes and terminology, the following list indicates how BGP selects the best path for a particular destination. Remember that we only select one path as the best path. We put that path in our routing table and we propagate it to our BGP neighbors.

Path selection is based on the following:

1-If NextHop is inaccessible do not consider it.
2-Prefer the largest Weight.
3-If same weight prefer largest Local Preference.
4-If same Local Preference prefer the route that the specified router has originated.
5-If no route was originated prefer the shorter AS path.
6-If all paths are external prefer the lowest origin code (IGP < egp < incomplete).>
7-If origin codes are the same prefer the path with the lowest MED.
8-If path is the same length prefer the External path over Internal.
9-If IGP synchronization is disabled and only internal path remain prefer the path through the closest IGP neighbor.
10-Prefer the route with the lowest ip address value for BGP router ID.

The following is a design example that is intended to show the configuration and routing tables as they actually appear on the Cisco routers.

(End of section 4)


BGP4 Case Studies/Tutorial Section 3


BGP Filtering
Sending and receiving BGP updates can be controlled by using a number of different filtering methods. BGP updates can be filtered based on route information, on path information or on communities. All methods will achieve the same results, choosing one over the other depends on the specific network configuration.

Route Filtering

In order to restrict the routing information that the router learns or advertises, you can filter BGP based on routing updates to or from a particular neighbor. In order to achieve this, an access-list is defined and applied to the updates to or from a neighbor. Use the following command in the router configuration mode:

Neighbor {ip-addresspeer-group-name} distribute-list access-list-number {in out}

In the following example, RTB is originating network and sending it to RTC. If RTC wanted to stop those updates from propagating to AS100, we would have to apply an access-list to filter those updates and apply it when talking to RTA:

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor distribute-list 1 out

access-list 1 deny

access-list 1 permit
(filter out all routing updates about 160.10.x.x)

Using access-lists is a bit tricky when we are dealing with supernets that might cause some conflicts.

Assume in the above example that RTB has different subnets of 160.10.X.X and our goal is to filter updates and advertise only (this notation means that we are using 8 bits of subnet mask starting from the far left of the IP address; this is equivalent to

The following access list:

access-list 1 permit

will permit, and so on. In order to restrict the update to only we have to use an extended access list of the following format:


ex: access-list 101

This list will permit only.

Another type of filtering, is path filtering which is described in the next section.



Path Filtering

You can specify an access list on both incoming and outgoing updates based on the BGP autonomous system paths information. In the above figure we can block updates about from going to AS100 by defining an access list on RTC that prevents any updates that have originated from AS200 from being sent to AS100. To do this use the following statements.

ip as-path access-list access-list-number {permitdeny} as-regular-expression

neighbor {ip-addresspeer-group-name} filter-list access-list-number {inout}

The following example will stop RTC from sending RTA updates about

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor filter-list 1 out (the 1 is the access list number below)

ip as-path access-list 1 deny ^200$
ip as-path access-list 1 permit .*

In the above example, access-list 1 states: deny any updates with path information that start with 200 (^) and end with 200 ($). The ^200$ is called a regular expression, with ^ meaning starts with and $ meaning ends with. Since RTB sends updates about with path information starting with 200 and ending with 200, then this update will match the access list and will be denied.

The .* is another regular expression with the dot meaning any character and the * meaning the repetition of that character. So .* is actually any path information, which is needed to permit all other updates to be sent.

What would happen if instead of using ^200$ we have used ^200
If you have an AS400 (see figure above), updates originated by AS400 will have path information of the form (200, 400) with 200 being first and 400 being last. Those updates will match the access list ^200 because they start with 200 and will be prevented from being sent to RTA which is not the required behavior.

A good way to check whether we have implemented the correct regular expression is to do:

sh ip bgp regexp .

This will show us all the path that has matched the configured regular expression.

Regular expressions sound a bit complicated but actually they are not. The next section will explain what is involved in creating a regular expression.



AS-Regular Expression
A regular expression is a pattern to match against an input string. By building a regular expression we specify a string that input must match. In case of BGP we are specifying a string consisting of path information that an input should match.

In the previous example we specified the string ^200$ and wanted path information coming inside updates to match it in order to perform a decision.

The regular expression is composed of the following:

A- Ranges:
A range is a sequence of characters contained within left and right square brackets. ex: [abcd]

B- Atoms
An atom is a single character

. (Matches any single character)
^ (Matches the beginning of the input string)
$ (Matches the end of the input string)
\character (Matches the character)
- (Matches a comma (,), left brace ({), right brace (}), the beginning
of the input string, the end of the input string, or a space.

A piece is an atom followed by one of the symbols:

* (Matches 0 or more sequences of the atom)
+ (Matches 1 or more sequences of the atom)
? (Matches the atom or the null string)

D- Branch
A branch is a 0 or more concatenated pieces.

Examples of regular expressions follow:

a* any occurrence of the letter a, including none
a+ at least one occurrence of a should be present
ab?a this will match aa or aba

_100_(via AS100)
^100$ (origin AS100)
^100 .* (coming from AS100)
^$ (originated from this AS)



BGP Community Filtering
We have already seen route filtering and as-path filtering. Another method is community filtering. Community has been discussed previously and here are few examples of how we can use it.

We would like RTB above to set the community attribute to the BGP routes it is advertising such that RTC would not propagate these routes to its external peers. The no-export community attribute is used:

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor send-community
neighbor route-map setcommunity out

route-map setcommunity
match ip address 1
set community no-export

access-list 1 permit

Note that we have used the route-map setcommunity in order to set the community to no-export. Note also that we had to use the "neighbor send-community" command in order to send this attribute to RTC.

When RTC gets the updates with the attribute no-export, it will not propagate them to its external peer RTA.

Example 2:

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor send-community
neighbor route-map setcommunity out

route-map setcommunity
match ip address 2
set community 100 200 additive

access-list 2 permit

In the above example, RTB has set the community attribute to 100 200 additive. The value 100 200 will be added to any existing community value before being sent to RTC.

A community list is a group of communities that we use in a match clause of a route map which allows us to do filtering or setting attributes based on different lists of community numbers.

ip community-list community-list-number {permitdeny} community-number

For example we can define the following route map, match-on-community:

route-map match-on-community
match community 10 (10 is the community-list number)
set weight 20

ip community-list 10 permit 200 300 (200 300 is the community number)

We can use the above in order to filter or set certain parameters like weight and metric based on the community value in certain updates. In example two above, RTB was sending updates to RTC with a community of 100 200. If RTC wants to set the weight based on those values we could do the following:

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor route-map check-community in

route-map check-community permit 10
match community 1
set weight 20

route-map check-community permit 20
match community 2 exact
set weight 10

route-map check-community permit 30
match community 3

ip community-list 1 permit 100
ip community-list 2 permit 200
ip community-list 3 permit internet

In the above example, any route that has 100 in its community attribute will match list 1 and will have the weight set to 20. Any route that has only 200 as community will match list 2 and will have weight 20. The keyword exact states that community should consist of 200 only and nothing else. The last community list is here to make sure that other updates are not dropped. Remember that anything that does not match, will be dropped by default. The keyword internet means all routes because all routes are members of the internet community.



BGP Neighbors and Route maps

The neighbor command can be used in conjunction with route maps to perform either filtering or parameter setting on incoming and outgoing updates.

Route maps associated with the neighbor statement have no affect on incoming updates when matching based on the IP address:

neighbor ip-address route-map route-map-name

Assume in the above diagram we want RTC to learn from AS200 about networks that are local to AS200 and nothing else. Also, we want to set the weight on the accepted routes to 20. We can achieve this with a combination of neighbor and as-path access lists.

Example 1:

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor route-map stamp in

route-map stamp
match as-path 1
set weight 20

ip as-path access-list 1 permit ^200$

Any updates that originate from AS200 have a path information that starts with 200 and ends with 200 and will be permitted. Any other updates will be dropped.

Example 2:

Assume that we want the following:
1- Updates originating from AS200 to be accepted with weight 20.
2- Updates originating from AS400 to be dropped.
3- Other updates to have a weight of 10.

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor route-map stamp in

route-map stamp permit 10
match as-path 1
set weight 20

route-map stamp permit 20
match as-path 2
set weight 10

ip as-path access-list 1 permit ^200$
ip as-path access-list 2 permit ^200 600 .*

The above statement will set a weight of 20 for updates that are local to AS200, and will set a weight of 10 for updates that are behind AS400 and will drop updates coming from AS400.



Use of set as-path prepend
In some situations we are forced to manipulate the PATH information in order to manipulate the BGP decision process. The command that is used with a route map is:

set as-path prepend ...

Suppose in the above diagram that RTC is advertising its own network to two different ASs: AS100 and AS200. When the information is propagated to AS600, the routers in AS600 will have network reachability information about via two different routes, the first route is via AS100 with PATH (100, 300) and the second one is via AS400 with PATH (400, 200,300). Assuming that all other attributes are the same AS600 will pick the shortest path and will choose the route via AS100.

AS300 will be getting all its traffic via AS100. If we want to influence this decision from the AS300 end we can make the PATH through AS100 look like it is longer than the PATH going through AS400. We can do this by prepending autonomous system numbers to the existing path info advertised to AS100. A common practice is to repeat our own AS number using the following:

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map SETPATH out

route-map SETPATH
set as-path prepend 300 300

Because of the above configuration, AS600 will receive updates about via AS100 with a PATH information of: (100, 300, 300, 300) which is longer than (400, 200, 300) received from AS100.



BGP Peer Groups

A BGP peer group, is a group of BGP neighbors with the same update policies. Update policies are usually set by route maps, distribute-lists and filter-lists, etc. Instead of defining the same policies for each separate neighbor, we define a peer group name and we assign these policies to the peer group.

Members of the peer group inherit all of the configuration options of the peer group. Members can also be configured to override these options if these options do not affect outbound updates; you can only override options set on the inbound.

To define a peer group use the following:

neighbor peer-group-name peer-group

In the following example we will see how peer groups are applied to internal and external BGP neighbors.

Example 1:

router bgp 300
neighbor internalmap peer-group
neighbor internalmap remote-as 300
neighbor internalmap route-map SETMETRIC out
neighbor internalmap filter-list 1 out
neighbor internalmap filter-list 2 in
neighbor peer-group internalmap
neighbor peer-group internalmap
neighbor peer-group internalmap
neighbor filter-list 3 in

In the above configuration, we have defined a peer group named internalmap and we have defined some policies for that group, such as a route map SETMETRIC to set the metric to 5 and two different filter lists 1 and 2. We have applied the peer group to all internal neighbors RTE, RTF and RTG. We have defined a separate filter-list 3 for neighbor RTE, and this will override filter-list 2 inside the peer group. Note that we could only override options that affect inbound updates.

Now, let us look at how we can use peer groups with external neighbors. In the same diagram we will configure RTC with a peer-group externalmap and we will apply it to external neighbors.

Example 2:

router bgp 300
neighbor externalmap peer-group
neighbor externalmap route-map SETMETRIC
neighbor externalmap filter-list 1 out
neighbor externalmap filter-list 2 in
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor peer-group externalmap
neighbor remote-as 600
neighbor peer-group externalmap
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor peer-group externalmap
neighbor filter-list 3 in

Note that in the above configs we have defined the remote-as statements outside of the peer group because we have to define different external ASs. Also we did an override for the inbound updates of neighbor by assigning filter-list 3.

(End of section 3)


BGP4 Case Studies/Tutorial Section 2


As_path Attribute

Whenever a route update passes through an AS, the AS number is prepended to that update. The AS_path attribute is actually the list of AS numbers that a route has traversed in order to reach a destination. An AS-SET is an ordered mathematical set {} of all the ASs that have been traversed. An example of AS-SET is given later.

In the above example, network is advertised by RTB in AS200, when that route traverses AS300 and RTC will append its own AS number to it. So when reaches RTA it will have two AS numbers attached to it: first 200 then 300. So as far as RTA is concerned the path to reach is (300,200).

The same applies for and RTB will have to take path (300,100) i.e. traverse AS300 and then AS100 in order to reach RTC will have to traverse path (200) in order to reach and path (100) in order to reach



Origin Attribute
The origin is a mandatory attribute that defines the origin of the path information. The origin attribute can assume three values:

IGP: Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) is interior to the originating AS. This normally happens when we use the bgp network command or when IGP is redistributed into BGP, then the origin of the path info will be IGP. This is indicated with an "i" in the BGP table.

EGP: NLRI is learned via EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol). This is
indicated with an "e" in the BGP table.

INCOMPLETE: NLRI is unknown or learned via some other means. This usually occurs when we redistribute a static route into BGP and the origin of the route will be incomplete. This is indicated with an "?" in the BGP table.


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 300
redistribute static

ip route null0

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100

RTA will reach via: 300 i (which means the next AS path is 300 and the origin of the route is IGP).
RTA will also reach via: i (which means, the entry is in the same AS and the origin is IGP).
RTE will reach via: 100 i (the next AS is 100 and the origin is IGP).
RTE will also reach via: 100 ? (the next AS is 100 and the
origin is incomplete "?", coming from a static route).



BGP Nexthop Attribute

The BGP nexthop attribute is the next hop IP address that is going to be used to reach a certain destination.

For EBGP, the next hop is always the IP address of the neighbor specified in the neighbor command. In the above example, RTC will advertise to RTA with a next hop of and RTA will advertise to RTC with a next hop of For IBGP, the protocol states that the next hop advertised by EBGP should be carried into IBGP. Because of that rule, RTA will advertise to its IBGP peer RTB with a next hop of So according to RTB, the next hop to reach is and NOT

You should make sure that RTB can reach via IGP, otherwise RTB will drop packets destined to because the next hop address would be inaccessible. For example, if RTB is running IGRP you could also run igrp on RTA network You would want to make IGRP passive on the link to RTC so BGP is only exchanged.


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 100

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100

*RTC will advertise to RTA with a NextHop
*RTA will advertise to RTB with a NextHop=
(The external NextHop via EBGP is sent via IBGP)

Special care should be taken when dealing with multiaccess and NBMA networks as described in the following sections.



BGP Nexthop (Multiaccess Networks)

The following example shows how the nexthop will behave on a multiaccess network such as ethernet.

Assume that RTC and RTD in AS300 are running OSPF. RTC is running BGP with RTA. RTC can reach network via When RTC sends a BGP update to RTA regarding it will use as next hop and not its own IP address ( This is because the network between RTA, RTC and RTD is a multiaccess network and it makes more sense for RTA to use RTD as a next hop to reach rather than making an extra hop via RTC.

*RTC will advertise to RTA with a NextHop

If the common media to RTA, RTC and RTD was not multiaccess, but NBMA (Non Broadcast Media Access) then further complications will occur.



BGP Nexthop (NBMA)

If the common media as you see in the shaded area above is a frame relay or any NBMA cloud then the exact behavior will occur as if we were connected via ethernet. RTC will advertise to RTA with a next hop of

The problem is that RTA does not have a direct PVC to RTD, and cannot reach the next hop. In this case routing will fail.

In order to remedy this situation a command called NextHopself is created.



Because of certain situations with the nexthop as we saw in the previous example, a command called next-hop-self is created. The syntax is:

neighbor {ip-addresspeer-group-name} next-hop-self

The next-hop-self command will allow us to force BGP to use a specified IP address as the next hop rather than letting the protocol choose the nexthop.

In the previous example the following will solve our problem:

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor next-hop-self

RTC will advertise with a NextHop =



BGP Backdoor

Consider the above diagram, RTA and RTC are running EBGP and RTB and RTC are running EBGP. RTA and RTB are running some kind of IGP (RIP, IGRP, etc.). By definition, EBGP updates have a distance of 20 which is lower than the IGP distances. Default distance is 120 for RIP, 100 for IGRP, 90 for EIGRP and 110 for OSPF.

RTA will receive updates about via two routing protocols:
EBGP with a distance of 20 and IGP with a distance higher than 20.

By default, BGP has the following distances, but that could be changed by the distance command:

distance bgp external-distance internal-distance local-distance


RTA will pick EBGP via RTC because of the lower distance.

If we want RTA to learn about via RTB (IGP), then we have two options:

1- Change EBGP's external distance or IGP's distance which is NOT recommended.

2- Use BGP backdoor

BGP backdoor will make the IGP route, the preferred route.

Use the following command: network address backdoor.

The configured network is the network that we would like to reach via IGP. For BGP this network will be treated as a locally assigned network except it will not be advertised in BGP updates.


router eigrp 10

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
network backdoor

Network will be treated as a local entry but will not be advertised as a normal network entry would.

RTA will learn from RTB via EIGRP with distance 90, and will also learn it from RTC via EBGP with distance 20. Normally EBGP will be preferred, but because of the backdoor command EIGRP will be preferred.




Before we discuss synchronization let us look at the following scenario. RTC in AS300 is sending updates about RTA and RTB are running IBGP, so RTB will get the update and will be able to reach via next hop (remember that the next hop is carried via IBGP). In order to reach the next hop, RTB will have to send the traffic to RTE.

Assume that RTA has not redistributed network into IGP, so at this point RTE has no idea that even exists.

If RTB starts advertising to AS400 that he can reach then traffic coming from RTD to RTB with destination will flow in and get dropped at RTE.

Synchronization states: If your autonomous system is passing traffic from another AS to a third AS, BGP should not advertise a route before all routers in your AS have learned about the route via IGP.
BGP will wait until IGP has propagated the route within the AS and then will advertise it to external peers. This is called synchronization.

In the above example, RTB will wait to hear about via IGP before it starts sending the update to RTD. We can fool RTB into thinking that IGP has propagated the information by adding a static route in RTB pointing to Care should be taken to make sure that other routers can reach otherwise we will have a problem reaching that network.

Disabling synchronization
In some cases you do not need synchronization. If you will not be passing traffic from a different autonomous system through your AS, or if all routers in your AS will be running BGP, you can disable synchronization. Disabling this feature can allow you to carry fewer routes in your IGP and allow BGP to converge more quickly.

Disabling synchronization is not automatic, if you have all your routers in the AS running BGP and you are not running any IGP, the router has no way of knowing that, and your router will be waiting forever for an IGP update about a certain route before sending it to external peers. You have to disable synchronization manually in this case for routing to work correctly:

router bgp 100
no synchronization.

(Make sure you do a clear ip bgp address to reset the session)


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 400
neighbor remote-as 100
no synchronization (RTB will put in its ip routing table and will advertise it to RTD even if it does not have an IGP path to

router bgp 400
neighbor remote-as 100

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100



Weight Attribute

The weight attribute is a Cisco defined attribute. The weight is used for a best path selection process. The weight is assigned locally to the router. It is a value that only makes sense to the specific router and which is not propagated or carried through any of the route updates. A weight can be a number from 0 to 65535. Paths that the router originates have a weight of 32768 by default and other paths have a weight of zero.

Routes with a higher weight are preferred when multiple routes exist to the same destination. Let us study the above example. RTA has learned about network from AS4 and will propagate the update to RTC. RTB has also learned about network from AS4 and will propagate it to RTC. RTC has now two ways for reaching and has to decide which way to go. If on RTC we can set the weight of the updates coming from RTA to be higher than the weight of updates coming from RTB, then we will force RTC to use RTA as a next hop to reach This is achieved by using multiple methods:

1- Using the neighbor command

neighbor {ip-addresspeer-group} weight weight

2- Using AS path access-lists

ip as-path access-list access-list-number {permitdeny} as-regular-expression
neighbor ip-address filter-list access-list-number weight weight

3-Using route-maps


router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor weight 200 (route to from RTA will have 200 weight)
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor weight 100 (route to from RTB will have 100 weight)

*Routes with higher weight are preferred when multiple routes exist to the same destination. RTA will be preferred as the next hop.

The same outcome can be achieved via ip as-path and filter lists.

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor filter-list 5 weight 200
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor filter-list 6 weight 100
ip as-path access-list 5 permit ^100$ (this will only permit path 100)
ip as-path access-list 6 permit ^200$

The same outcome as above can be achieved by using routmaps.

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map setweightin in
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor route-map setweightin in
ip as-path access-list 5 permit ^100$

route-map setweightin permit 10
match as-path 5
set weight 200
(anything that applies to access-list 5, i.e. packets from AS100, would have weight 200)

route-map setweightin permit 20
set weight 100
(anything else would have weight 100)



Local Preference Attribute

Local preference is an indication to the AS about which path is preferred to exit the AS in order to reach a certain network. A path with a higher local preference is more preferred. The default value for local preference is 100.

Unlike the weight attribute which is only relevant to the local router, local preference is an attribute that is exchanged among routers in the same AS.

Local preference is set via the "bgp default local-preference <>" command or with route-maps as will be demonstrated in the following example:

The bgp default local-preference command will set the local preference on the updates out of the router going to peers in the same AS. In the above diagram, AS256 is receiving updates about from two different sides of the organization. Local preference will help us determine which way to exit AS256 in order to reach that network. Let us assume that RTD is the preferred exit point. The following configuration will set the local preference for updates coming from AS300 to 200 and those coming from AS100 to 150.

router bgp 256
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 256
bgp default local-preference 150

router bgp 256
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 256
bgp default local-preference 200

In the above configuration RTC will set the local preference of all updates to 150. The same RTD will set the local preference of all updates to 200. Since local preference is exchanged within AS256, both RTC and RTD will realize that network has a higher local preference when coming from AS300 rather than when coming from AS100. All traffic in AS256 addressed to that network will be sent to RTD as an exit point.

More flexibility is provided by using route maps. In the above example, all updates received by RTD will be tagged with local preference 200 when they reach RTD. This means that updates coming from AS34 will also be tagged with the local preference of 200. This might not be needed. This is why we can use route maps to specify what specific updates need to be tagged with a specific local preference as shown below:

router bgp 256
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor setlocalin in
neighbor remote-as 256
ip as-path 7 permit ^300$

route-map setlocalin permit 10
match as-path 7
set local-preference 400

route-map setlocalin permit 20
set local-preference 150

With this configuration, any update coming from AS300 will be set with a local preference of 200. Any other updates such as those coming from AS34 will be set with a value of 150.



Metric Attribute

The metric attribute which is also called Multi_exit_discriminator, MED (BGP4) or Inter-As (BGP3) is a hint to external neighbors about the preferred path into an AS. This is a dynamic way to influence another AS on which way to choose in order to reach a certain route given that we have multiple entry points into that AS. A lower value of a metric is more preferred.

Unlike local preference, metric is exchanged between ASs. A metric is carried into an AS but does not leave the AS. When an update enters the AS with a certain metric, that metric is used for decision making inside the AS. When the same update is passed on to a third AS, that metric will be set back to 0 as shown in the above diagram. The Metric default value is 0.

Unless otherwise specified, a router will compare metrics for paths from neighbors in the same AS. In order for the router to compare metrics from neighbors coming from different ASs the special configuration command "bgp always-compare-med" should be configured on the router.

In the above diagram, AS100 is getting information about network via three different routers: RTC, RTD and RTB. RTC and RTD are in AS300 and RTB is in AS400.

Assume that we have set the metric coming from RTC to 120, the metric coming from RTD to 200 and the metric coming from RTB to 50. Given that by default a router compares metrics coming from neighbors in the same AS, RTA can only compare the metric coming from RTC to the metric coming from RTD and will pick RTC as the best next hop because 120 is less than 200. When RTA gets an update from RTB with metric 50, he can not compare it to 120 because RTC and RTB are in different ASs (RTA has to choose based on some other attributes).

In order to force RTA to compare the metrics we have to add

bgp always-compare-med to RTA. This is illustrated in the configs below:

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 400

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map setmetricout out
neighbor remote-as 300

route-map setmetricout permit 10
set metric 120

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map setmetricout out
neighbor remote-as 300

route-map setmetricout permit 10
set metric 200

router bgp 400
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map setmetricout out

route-map setmetricout permit 10
set metric 50

With the above configs, RTA will pick RTC as next hop, considering all other attributes are the same. In order to have RTB included in the metric comparison, we have to configure RTA as follows:

router bgp 100
neighbor 2.2.21 remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor remote-as 400
bgp always-compare-med

In this case RTA will pick RTB as the best next hop in order to reach network

Metric can also be set while redistributing routes into BGP, the command is:

default-metric number

Assume in the above example that RTB is injecting a network via static into AS100 then the following configs:

router bgp 400
redistribute static
default-metric 50

ip route null 0

will cause RTB to send out with a metric of 50.



Community Attribute
The community attribute is a transitive, optional attribute in the range 0 to 4,294,967,200. The community attribute is a way to group destinations in a certain community and apply routing decisions (accept, prefer, redistribute, etc.) according to those communities.

We can use route maps to set the community attributes. The route map set command has the following syntax:

set community community-number [additive]

A few predefined well known communities (community-number) are:

-no-export (Do not advertise to EBGP peers)
-no-advertise (Do not advertise this route to any peer)
-internet (Advertise this route to the internet community, any router belongs to it)

An example of route maps where community is set is:

route-map communitymap
match ip address 1
set community no-advertise


route-map setcommunity
match as-path 1
set community 200 additive

If the additive keyword is not set, 200 will replace any old community that already exits; if we use the keyword additive then the 200 will be added to the community.

Even if we set the community attribute, this attribute will not be sent to neighbors by default.

In order to send the attribute to our neighbor we have to use the following:

neighbor {ip-addresspeer-group-name} send-community


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor send-community
neighbor route-map setcommunity out

(End of section 2)



BGP - 1

BGP4 Case Studies/Tutorial Section 1


The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), defined in RFC 1771, allows you to create loop free interdomain routing between autonomous systems. An autonomous system is a set of routers under a single technical administration. Routers in an AS can use multiple interior gateway protocols to exchange routing information inside the AS and an exterior gateway protocol to route packets outside the AS.



How does BGP work
BGP uses TCP as its transport protocol (port 179). Two BGP speaking routers form a TCP connection between one another (peer routers) and exchange messages to open and confirm the connection parameters.

BGP routers will exchange network reachability information, this information is mainly an indication of the full paths (BGP AS numbers) that a route should take in order to reach the destination network. This information will help in constructing a graph of ASs that are loop free and where routing policies can be applied in order to enforce some restrictions on the routing behavior.



What are peers (neighbors)
Any two routers that have formed a TCP connection in order to exchange BGP routing information are called peers, they are also called neighbors.



Information exchange between peers
BGP peers will initially exchange their full BGP routing tables. From then on incremental updates are sent as the routing table changes. BGP keeps a version number of the BGP table and it should be the same for all of its BGP peers. The version number will change whenever BGP updates the table due to some routing information changes. Keepalive packets are sent to ensure that the connection is alive between the BGP peers and notification packets are sent in response to errors or special conditions.



If an Autonomous System has multiple BGP speakers, it could be used as a transit service for other ASs. As you see below, AS200 is a transit autonomous system for AS100 and AS300.

It is necessary to ensure reachability for networks within an AS before sending the information to other external ASs. This is done by a combination of Internal BGP peering between routers inside an AS and by redistributing BGP information to Internal Gateway Protocols running in the AS.

As far as this paper is concerned, when BGP is running between routers belonging to two different ASs we will call it EBGP (Exterior BGP) and for BGP running between routers in the same AS we will call it IBGP (Interior BGP).



Enabling BGP routing
Here are the steps needed to enable and configure BGP.

Let us assume you want to have two routers RTA and RTB talk BGP. In the first example RTA and RTB are in different autonomous systems and in the second example both routers belong to the same AS.

We start by defining the router process and define the AS number that the routers belong to. The command used to enable BGP on a router is:

router bgp autonomous-system

router bgp 100

router bgp 200

The above statements indicates that RTA is running BGP and it belongs to AS100 and RTB is running BGP and it belongs to AS200 and so on.

The next step in the configuration process is to define BGP neighbors. The neighbor definition indicates which routers we are trying to talk with BGP.

The next section will introduce you to what is involved in forming a valid peer connection.



BGP Neighbors/Peers
Two BGP routers become neighbors or peers once they establish a TCP connection between one another. The TCP connection is essential in order for the two peer routers to start exchanging routing updates.

Two BGP speaking routers trying to become neighbors will first bring up the TCP connection between one another and then send open messages in order to exchange values such as the AS number, the BGP version they are running (version 3 or 4), the BGP router ID and the keepalive hold time, etc. After these values are confirmed and accepted the neighbor connection will be established. Any state other than established is an indication that the two routers did not become neighbors and hence the BGP updates will not be exchanged.

The neighbor command used to establish a TCP connection is:

neighbor ip-address remote-as number

The remote-as number is the AS number of the router we are trying to connect to via BGP.

The ip-address is the next hop directly connected address for EBGP and any IP address on the other router for IBGP.

It is essential that the two IP addresses used in the neighbor command of the peer routers be able to reach one another. One sure way to verify reachability is an extended ping between the two IP addresses, the extended ping forces the pinging router to use as source the IP address specified in the neighbor command rather than the IP address of the interface the packet is going out from.

It is important to reset the neighbor connection in case any bgp configuration changes are made in order for the new parameters to take effect.

clear ip bgp address (where address is the neighbor address)
clear ip bgp * (clear all neighbor connections)

By default, BGP sessions begin using BGP Version 4 and negotiating downward to earlier versions if necessary. To prevent negotiations and force the BGP version used to communicate with a neighbor, perform the following task in router configuration mode:

neighbor {ip address|peer-group-name} version value

An example of the neighbor command configuration follows:

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 200

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 200

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 200

In the above example RTA and RTB are running EBGP. RTB and RTC are running IBGP. The difference between EBGP and IBGP is manifested by having the remote-as number pointing to either an external or an internal AS.

Also, the EBGP peers are directly connected and the IBGP peers are not. IBGP routers do not have to be directly connected, as long as there is some IGP running that allows the two neighbors to reach one another.

The following is an example of the information that the command "sh ip bgp neighbors" will show you, pay special attention to the BGP state. Anything other than state established indicates that the peers are not up. You should also note the BGP is version 4, the remote router ID (highest IP address on that box or the highest loopback interface in case it exists) and the table version (this is the state of the table, any time new information comes in, the table will increase the version and a version that keeps incrementing indicates that some route is flapping causing routes to keep getting updated).

BGP neighbor is, remote AS 200, external link
BGP version 4, remote router ID
BGP state = Established, table version = 3, up for 0:10:59
Last read 0:00:29, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds
Received 2828 messages, 0 notifications, 0 in queue
Sent 2826 messages, 0 notifications, 0 in queue
Connections established 11; dropped 10

In the next section, we will discuss special situations such as EBGP multihop and loopback addresses.



BGP and Loopback interfaces
Using a loopback interface to define neighbors is commonly used with IBGP rather than EBGP. Normally the loopback interface is used to make sure that the IP address of the neighbor stays up and is independent of a hardware that might be flaky. In the case of EBGP, most of the time the peer routers are directly connected and loopback does not apply.

If the IP address of a loopback interface is used in the neighbor command, some extra configuration needs to be done on the neighbor router. The neighbor router needs to tell BGP that it is using a loopback interface rather than a physical interface to initiate the BGP neighbor TCP connection. The command used to indicate a loopback interface is:

neighbor ip-address update-source interface

The following example should illustrate the use of this command.

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor update-source int loopback 1

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100

In the above example, RTA and RTB are running internal BGP inside autonomous system 100. RTB is using in its neighbor command the loopback interface of RTA (; in this case RTA has to force BGP to use the loopback IP address as the source in the TCP neighbor connection. RTA will do so by adding the update-source int loopback configuration (neighbor update-source int loopback 1) and this statement forces BGP to use the ip address of its loopback interface when talking to neighbor

Note that RTA has used the physical interface IP address ( of RTB as a neighbor and that is why RTB does not need to do any special configuration.



EBGP Multihop
In some special cases, the Cisco router could be running external BGP with a third party router that does not allow the two external peers to be directly connected. In this case EBGP multihop is used to allow the neighbor connection to be established between two non directly connected external peers. The multihop is used only for external BGP and not for internal BGP. The following example gives a better illustration of EBGP multihop.

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor ebgp-multihop

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100

RTA is indicating an external neighbor that is not directly connected. RTA needs to indicate that it will be using ebgp-multihop. On the other hand, RTB is indicating a neighbor that is directly connected ( and that is why it does not need the ebgp-multihop command. Some IGP or static routing should also be configured in order to allow the non connected neighbors to reach eachother.

The following example shows how to achieve load balancing with BGP in a particular case where we have EBGP over parallel lines.


EBGP Multihop (Load Balancing)

int loopback 0
ip address

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 200
neighbor ebgp-multihop
neighbor update-source loopback 0

ip route
ip route

int loopback 0
ip address

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor update-source loopback 0
neighbor ebgp-multihop

ip route
ip route

The above example illustrates the use of loopback interfaces, update-source and ebgp-multihop. This is a workaround in order to achieve load balancing between two EBGP speakers over parallel serial lines. In normal situations, BGP will pick one of the lines to send packets on and load balancing would not take place. By introducing loopback interfaces, the next hop for EBGP will be the loopback interface. Static routes (it could be some IGP also) are used to introduce two equal cost paths to reach the destination. RTA will have two choices to reach next hop one via and the other one via and the same for RTB.



Route Maps
At this point I would like to introduce route maps because they will be used heavily with BGP. In the BGP context, route map is a method used to control and modify routing information. This is done by defining conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another or controlling routing information when injected in and out of BGP. The format of the route map follows:

route-map map-tag [[permit | deny] | [sequence-number]]

The map-tag is just a name you give to the route-map. Multiple instances of the same route map (same name-tag) can be defined. The sequence number is just an indication of the position a new route map is to have in the list of route maps already configured with the same name.

For example, if I define two instances of the route map, let us call it MYMAP, the first instance will have a sequence-number of 10, and the second will have a sequence number of 20.

route-map MYMAP permit 10
(first set of conditions goes here.)

route-map MYMAP permit 20
(second set of conditions goes here.)

When applying route map MYMAP to incoming or outgoing routes, the first set of conditions will be applied via instance 10. If the first set of conditions is not met then we proceed to a higher instance of the route map. match and set configuration commands. Each route map will consist of a list of match and set configuration. The match will specify a match criteria and set specifies a set action if the criteria enforced by the match command are met.

For example, I could define a route map that checks outgoing updates and if there is a match for IP address then the metric for that update will be set to 5. The above can be illustrated by the following commands:

match ip address
set metric 5

Now, if the match criteria are met and we have a permit then the routes will be redistributed or controlled as specified by the set action and we break out of the list.

If the match criteria are met and we have a deny then the route will not be redistributed or controlled and we break out of the list.

If the match criteria are not met and we have a permit or deny then the next instance of the route map (instance 20 for example) will be checked, and so on until we either break out or finish all the instances of the route map. If we finish the list without a match then the route we are looking at will not be accepted nor forwarded.

One restriction on route maps is that when used for filtering BGP updates (as we will see later) rather than when redistributing between protocols, you can NOT filter on the inbound when using a "match" on the ip address. Filtering on t he outbound is OK.

The related commands for match are:

match as-path
match community
match clns
match interface
match ip address
match ip next-hop
match ip route-source
match metric
match route-type
match tag

The related commands for set are:
set as-path
set clns
set automatic-tag
set community
set interface
set default interface
set ip default next-hop
set level
set local-preference
set metric
set metric-type
set next-hop
set origin
set tag
set weight

Let's look at some route-map examples:

Example 1:

Assume RTA and RTB are running rip; RTA and RTC are running BGP. RTA is getting updates via BGP and redistributing them to rip. If RTA wants to redistribute to RTB routes about with a metric of 2 and all other routes with a metric of 5 then we might use the following configuration:

router rip
passive-interface Serial0
redistribute bgp 100 route-map SETMETRIC

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300

route-map SETMETRIC permit 10
match ip-address 1
set metric 2

route-map SETMETRIC permit 20
set metric 5

access-list 1 permit

In the above example if a route matches the IP address it will have a metric of 2 and then we break out of the route map list. If there is no match then we go down the route map list which says, set everything else to metric 5. It is always very important to ask the question, what will happen to routes that do not match any of the match statements because they will be dropped by default.

Example 2:

Suppose in the above example we did not want AS100 to accept updates about Since route maps cannot be applied on the inbound when matching based on an ip address, we have to use an outbound route map on RTC:


router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor route-map STOPUPDATES out

route-map STOPUPDATES permit 10
match ip address 1

access-list 1 deny
access-list 1 permit

Now that you feel more comfortable with how to start BGP and how to define a neighbor, let's look at how to start exchanging network information.

There are multiple ways to send network information using BGP. I will go
through these methods one by one.



Network command
The format of the network command follows:

network network-number [mask network-mask]

The network command controls what networks are originated by this box. This is a different concept from what you are used to configuring with IGRP and RIP. With this command we are not trying to run BGP on a certain interface, rather we are trying to indicate to BGP what networks it should originate from this box. The mask portion is used because BGP4 can handle subnetting and supernetting. A maximum of 200 entries of the network command are accepted.

The network command will work if the network you are trying to advertise is known to the router, whether connected, static or learned dynamically.

An example of the network command follows:

router bgp 1
network mask

ip route null 0

The above example indicates that router A, will generate a network entry for The /16 indicates that we are using a supernet of the class C address and we are advertizing the first two octets (the first 16 bits).

Note that we need the static route to get the router to generate because the static route will put a matching entry in the routing table.



The network command is one way to advertise your networks via BGP. Another way is to redistribute your IGP (IGRP, OSPF, RIP, EIGRP, etc.) into BGP. This sounds scary because now you are dumping all of your internal routes into BGP, some of these routes might have been learned via BGP and you do not need to send them out again. Careful filtering should be applied to make sure you are sending to the internet only routes that you want to advertise and not everything you have. Let us look at the example below.

RTA is announcing and RTC is announcing Look at RTC's configuration:

If you use a network command you will have:

router eigrp 10
redistribute bgp 200
default-metric 1000 100 250 100 1500

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
network mask (this will limit the networks originated by your AS to

If you use redistribution instead you will have:

router eigrp 10
redistribute bgp 200
default-metric 1000 100 250 100 1500

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
redistribute eigrp 10 (eigrp will inject again into BGP)

This will cause to be originated by your AS. This is misleading because you are not the source of but AS100 is. So you would have to use filters to prevent that network from being sourced out by your AS. The correct configuration would be:

router eigrp 10
redistribute bgp 200
default-metric 1000 100 250 100 1500

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
neighbor distribute-list 1 out
redistribute eigrp 10

access-list 1 permit

The access-list is used to control what networks are to be originated from AS200.



Static routes and redistribution
You could always use static routes to originate a network or a subnet. The only difference is that BGP will consider these routes as having an origin of incomplete (unknown). In the above example the same could have been accomplished by doing:

router eigrp 10
redistribute bgp 200
default-metric 1000 100 250 100 1500

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300
redistribute static
ip route null0

The null 0 interface means disregard the packet. So if I get the packet and there is a more specific match than (which exists of course) the router will send it to the specific match otherwise it will disregard it. This is a nice way to advertise a supernet.

We have discussed how we can use different methods to originate routes out of our autonomous system. Please remember that these routes are generated in addition to other BGP routes that BGP has learned via neighbors (internal or external). BGP passes on information that it learns from one peer to other peers. The difference is that routes generated by the network command, or redistribution or static, will indicate your AS as the origin for these networks.

Injecting BGP into IGP is always done by redistribution.


router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 300

router bgp 200
neighbor remote-as 300

router bgp 300
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 200
network 170.10.00

Note that you do not need network or network in RTC unless you want RTC to also generate these networks on top of passing them on as they come in from AS100 and AS200. Again the difference is that the network command will add an extra advertisement for these same networks indicating that AS300 is also an origin for these routes.

An important point to remember is that BGP will not accept updates that have originated from its own AS. This is to insure a loop free interdomain topology.

For example, assume AS200 above had a direct BGP connection into AS100. RTA will generate a route and will send it to AS300 then RTC will pass this route to AS200 with the origin kept as AS100, RTB will pass to AS100 with origin still AS100. RTA will notice that the update has originated from its own AS and will ignore it.



Internal BGP
IBGP is used if an AS wants to act as a transit system to other ASs. You might ask, why can't we do the same thing by learning via EBGP redistributing into IGP and then redistributing again into another AS? We can, but IBGP offers more flexibility and more efficient ways to exchange information within an AS; for example IBGP provides us with ways to control what is the best exit point out of the AS by using local preference (will be discussed later).

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 300

router bgp 100
neighbor remote-as 100
neighbor remote-as 400

router bgp 400
neighbor remote-as 100

An important point to remember, is that when a BGP speaker receives an update from other BGP speakers in its own AS (IBGP), the receiving BGP speaker will not redistribute that information to other BGP speakers in its own AS. The receiving BGP speaker will redistribute that information to other BGP speakers outside of its AS. That is why it is important to sustain a full mesh between the IBGP speakers within an AS.

In the above diagram, RTA and RTB are running IBGP and RTA and RTD are running IBGP also. The BGP updates coming from RTB to RTA will be sent to RTE (outside of the AS) but not to RTD (inside of the AS). This is why an IBGP peering should be made between RTB and RTD in order not to break the flow of the updates.



The BGP decision algorithm
After BGP receives updates about different destinations from different autonomous systems, the protocol will have to decide which paths to choose in order to reach a specific destination. BGP will choose only a single path to reach a specific destination.

The decision process is based on different attributes, such as next hop, administrative weights, local preference, the route origin, path length, origin code, metric and so on.

BGP will always propagate the best path to its neighbors.

In the following section I will try to explain these attributes and show how they are used. We will start with the path attribute.

(End of section 1)

